Saturday 12 July 2014


I have many roses in MyGarden. I never expect Him to carry me roses  -or other flowers- during the freezing winter. During the summer every now and then He picks up few and brings inside. And if he is far too busy for that -I just go to see MyGarden. Who cares about one rose if you could have bushes of them?! :)

This rose has interesting story -like they all have. See, years ago I ordered few roses from South Finland and they fools sent me something else that I wanted. And this -something else- was something definately not for the arctic garden! I complained about it. They told me to keep the money and the roses. So I digged the roses into the ground with tears -they didn't have the ones I wanted. I planned to enjoy about that southern creature just for one summer.

When the winter arrived I was sure the rose will die. And so it did. Still on the spring time I was so insulted that I had no hurry to dig up the death rose and throw it away. And that was a good thing to do. See, as I have understand it, all the fine bred roses are plant to ordinary roses. Meaning they connect the roots or something. And because -at the end- they all want to live, this ordinary rose -behind thousands of kilometers from its origin- wanted to live. It rose its weak stem 20 cm far away from the died stalk and took a peek where she was.

She was in MyGarden where no roses are discriminated so she took a deep breath and got excited. :) She has a special job and that is to grow to shadow my green house! She is very faithful and grows more and more every year without any special attention. I just let her be and make sure there's room for her to grow.

Can there be too many roses?

This is from another bush of roses. They grow to form a fence to the NorthSide of MyGarden. Also these are grateful just because of the pleasure that I allow them to be. They are not fine special spieces. But they can stand the freezing wind from the NorthPole or sea. They can stand thunders and ice. They can take it all and just let me to enjoy.

I love them all -MyRoses. But this is my favourite. It is Burnet Rose. It has moved in without planting but for sure has been cherished since I discovered her. I have actually two of them which I aim to connect to continue the NorthSide rose fence. And I have one more. The third bush is on the SouthSide and it moved in last summer. It was just tiny piece of root and weak stem. But she survived over the winter and has started its growth.

In MyGarden no ordinary spieces are weed away if they blossom for me. So, Buttercups are allowed too as long as they form out charming bushes.

How could I weed them away when they shine like the sun?

Daylily is there too with many sisters of hers. They were here before me. Not so many of them. I found them in forgotten feral garden. All I have done is weeding to make more room for them to spread around and it has worked well.

Poppy is a good example of it that despite you are weeding and destroying they all -at the end- just want to live. See, I have planted PoppySeeds into my garden. But I thought it had not succeeded. I neither had any kind of idea how they look when they are young. I thought they are more like Tulips with their leaves. Last summer when I came back home from a holiday I noticed this weird weed was about to blossom. I let it be because it was late and I was sooooo tired. On the next day I noticed it was a Tulip on a weird time of summer. I went to see closer and was amazed -it was a Poppy! Last summer there was 2, this summer 4 and next year 8... :) I have learnt my lesson: don't weed those hairy leaves you assume belong to Thistles! I do like Thistles too but I thought these to be some super hyper prickly from East Europe area which had got here because of us... Ooops. :)

I know many hate and try to get rid off Lupins but I let them be. See, we had a huge problem of Giant Hogweed when we moved in. It is the last plant you want. It is dangerous and can cause very bad burns. So, compaired to that Lupins and Buttercups are welcomed to get wild in MyGarden. Finally, the situation with Giant Hogweed seems out much better. It has been over 5 years now destroying it mechanically.

 My Lupins are pink and lilac.

I love them all <3

I have many Lilacs which blossom with stunning scent!

Thanks to B. I have also some summer flowers from far away. <3

This definately is not all from MyGarden. I have a lot of useful plants too for the harvesting.

There's -for example- StrawBerries...
...and BlackBerries. This one is Siperian but it has taken 4 years of her to adapt herself to MyArcticGarden. :)

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