Wednesday 26 July 2017


First of all I want to make an official announcement about it that we have finally had bits of summer here up in TheNorth. What a luxury it is to have your lunch on the terrace in the garden enjoying about the +22 Celsius heat wave!

I am enjoying about MyGarden and its new flowers I plant last autumn. It all survived over the winter and weird cold spring.

It seems someone else loves MyGarden too. But that's ok. They all do an important job. To be honest - the spring was so cold - we all were so afraid of what had happen to all the insects. There seem not to be many this year but the ones that survived seem so busy that they really have no time to chat when visiting. Sometimes they are so overloaded that they fly confused around seeking a place to rest. MyDog would like to eat them as candies because they taste so sweet but I do my best to let the bees and other important creatures to rest and then fly away to their homes only to come back. Their work seems out like moms' who are trying to get rid of the everlasting laundry pile!

But who cloud resist these rare moments in Finland's year when all the colors pop out instead of just being white, blue or green?

Lately MyCat has been very helpful. She is soon 10 years and has finally learnt there is no need to eat insects; they make Her only to feel sick and vomit. Finally She has found other amusement for herself over the summer days!

She has got bite of the weaving bug! She is very interested especially about the moments when we need more weft. She seems to hang around just in case I need more! I've been nagging at Her it is not very nice when She bites it and it gets wet! But She says it will dry out soon, just keep going on!

So, we've been weaving RagRug. I use old VHS tape (black), curtains (green) and old unused fabric I inherit from my grandmother (blue). I make this RagRug for our outdoor stairs. The old door mats I bought from IKEA several years ago were so worn out that I needed to throw them away already.

1,9 meters is done by now. I need for about 1 meter more before it's long enough. It is my own design.

I know (and She knows) that nothing heavy (She is not heavy She says, just 3,2 kg) should be placed over the warp because it stretches out the warp threads! (She says She stays there only to watch out MyStuff so that TheDog won't steal nor bite anything.)

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